Friday, August 14, 2009

Box Day!

When our Sonlight box arrived, with all our books and teacher's materials, we were all pretty excited, but it was a busy week so it was several days before we could actually open the box. I had wanted to go thru it all on my own, in peace and quiet, but really what fun is that? I decided on Friday that I would include my son in the opening ceremonies, and I'm so glad I did! It was like Christmas! Ian pulled out book after book and kept saying, "I LOVE this book! I always wanted this!" LOL... Well, I don't know about that, but I will say that I was so full of joy that I almost burst out in tears as I thought how very lucky I am, that I GET to be the one reading these books to my son, and teaching him with all these great teaching materials!!

Friday, August 7, 2009

In the beginning

I want to say that this is where it all starts. It's not, but that would be a cool way to begin, wouldn't it? :)

I will say that we began our "homeschooling experiment" last year, more out of curiosity and necessity than conviction. Last year, our oldest son, Ian, wasn't old enough for kindergarten, but I knew that he was ready to for more formal instruction at home. Since I have been interested in homeschooling for some time, I thought, "Now is the perfect time to give it a try!" After talking with friends who homeschooled their kids, conducting research and perusing a ridiculous amount of curriculum, I settled on My Father's World Kindergarten.

Last year was definitely a learning experience for all of us. We learned a lot about learning styles, personalities, our weaknesses and our strengths. This year, we decided to go with a more advanced Kindergarten curriculum. So, we have chosen Sonlight K with "Readers 1", Bible readings, Horizons Math K, and Handwriting Without Tears . Yesterday the "stuff" was ordered, and today it was shipped. In a few business days it will be in my hot little hands. :) Can't wait.