Thursday, December 17, 2009

'Tis the Season to be Crafty!

With the onset of the holiday season, we have been doing a lot of Christmas reading, crafting and listening. I love arts and crafts and anything that remotely falls into this category, but have been a little at a loss for ideas as to what I can do with the boys and what is appropriate for their ages. Thankfully, earlier this Fall, I joined a the Sue Patrick workbox group, never realizing the wealth of ideas and links I'd find there at this time of year. Thought I'd share a couple of the links to projects that we have done or will be doing in the coming days.... Enjoy!
  • Art Projects for Kids - we're planning on doing the Nutcracker project and the Gingerbread Project
  • Cinnamon Dough Ornaments - made these the other day! Have wanted to tackle this project for years, and finally did it. The boys loved it.

1 comment:

  1. I tried to reply to you, but there isn't an email attached to your google profile. :)

    I will be posting the thermometers this coming week, so stay tuned!! :)
