Monday, March 21, 2011

Geeky Post

Home Science Tools is such a fun website for me, even though their website is actually, When I get their catalogs I just drool over the pages, in a way that I used to do with Pottery Barn catalogs. I start making wish lists and everything.

In my fantasy school, everything revolves around Science: Handwriting, Math, English, History, Art and Gym. I mean, why couldn't it? :) If I could find a curriculum that was basically Teaching Everything with Science, I'd buy it in a heartbeat. And if I had the time and knowledge to do this myself, I think I could get a following. :) So there you have it. I'm a complete geek. My kids are doomed... Or very lucky.

Home Science Tools has a page that lists all different Science Projects. There is a whole section that deals with crystals, and that is what we are focusing on this week, since I've been meaning to do this all winter and now that Spring is coming... well, crystals become a little less timely as the weather warms up. LOL..

Today, we tried out the Quick Crystal Cup experiment. It was a big hit. We are letting the crystals grow over night, and we'll check them in the morning. Can't wait! :)

Update: So here are the pictures of our fun crystal experiments:

As you can see, even hubby got into examining the crystals.... Too cool!

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